The Fourth Companion

May 26, 2004

Doa Siang Hari

Dear God,

I started this prayer thinking about.. You know ..
what I think I need from You right now.
because there have been happenings lately yang ..
istilah kerennya "mengiris hati" gitu.

but then I realize... koq sebenarnya
You've given me more than I could ever ask
from anyone in the world..

First, I want to thank You for giving me the chance
to have...a heart yang sedikit lebih besar,

*elus2 dada*

jadi sedikit lebih sabar gitu..
dimana no matter what happens,
no matter how I feel,
aku masih bisa bilang "Puji Tuhan!, woohoo!"

I figure that's probably why you gave me ten seasons of Friends.. *chuckles*

You know ... how Chandler and Ross and Rachel and gang seems to go through all that messy stuff and still be able to joke about and stick together till the end ? Well, I've learned to laugh all this off too, knowing that You are in control Mr. G, sir - I know things will be okay.

So i've been going woohoo! a lot, and been singing more often too.

I also want to apologize for being such a jerk.. there're times when things go wrong and I don't understand them that I do things that hurts You. Please forgive me.

One other thing that I also want to thank you for ... is for sending me friends (dalam arti yang sebenarnya) when I really need them most. Ada yang spared her time padahal she's swamped with work, ada yang tiba2 nongol bawa mpek2, ada yang tiba2 bump into me and decided to do lunch, ada yang even mere presence nya remind me of the relationship I once had with You - yang regretfully I have neglected.

I want to thank you for a new way of seeing the world too. I don't know how I got to think this way, but ... now I see life as both a prayer and a dance - and this view really inspires me.

So.. I see Hidup as sebuah doa.. yang sebenarnya for You (who else? :-]) Everything I say, do, think, touch, go through, is an expression of myself yang ditujukan buat Kamu seorang.

I mentioned life is also like a dance .. the common understanding of 'prayer' is that it's a personal thing, by saying Hidup is also a dance, I got to see the importance of other people in my life, i.e. in dances, we usually have dancing partners.

So, Life is like a dance because there are other people around me yang juga lagi 'berdoa' to You. Whether the guy behind my back yang lagi wondering why aren't I working (koq si JP ini blogging all day long yach?), or even that girl in Columbus girl yang thinks I'm crazy, my brother yang lagi ngurusin exchange program to UC Davis, and even others yang not as fortunate as the people I see everyday.

I don't dance at all actually - the last dance I had was pretty traumatic, You know what happened, I don't have to recite that in a public blog yah?. But I figure when dancing, we take cues from other dancers, and we also listen to the beat, i.e. the ryhthm.

When we live, we dance to Your Rhtyhm, Lord, but that's not enough, we have to take cues from all the other guys and gals yang juga lagi dancing out there.

Cues come in many forms: the sigh at the end of their sentence, the spark You put in their eyes, the warmth of their embrace, or even their insistance the mpek2 and linguini go great together. ;p

There are also 'solo dancers'.. Maybe You want them to dance that way maybe not; I only wish that they don't bump into other dancers so frequently that they hurt not only themselves but others too. I remember that I once was a 'solo dancer' myself too, and I guess I still was until a few days ago.


I guess life is always full of ups and downs, hey there's time for sunshine and there's time for stormy skies! And I want to thank You for both the sunshine and the storms.

As I said, I started this prayer thinking I need something to get me going again, only to realize what I need ... You've already given to me before I even asked - I guess Joey emang agak telmi juga kadang2.. *hee hee*

Oh well.. okay.. If I continue talking to You this way, I can't get that provider module up by end of this week. Gotta go dulu yah Mr. G, sir ? Joey pamit dulu.

so, let me end this "verbal" prayer by saying..

Thanks again, I really Love You lots.. (honest, I'm not exaggerating this time), and I really really can't wait till the day I get to see You face-to-face.


Just me.


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