The Fourth Companion

May 19, 2004

A Taste of Heaven (A Reflection)

There are moments in life where things happen so fast. Grief turn to sorrow turn to joy turn to laughter and happiness. You realized you've changed so much that you can barely recognize what the changes are, you can barely recognize who you were anymore.

Suddenly, you just know you're different.

and it's good.

You know you've been "upgraded."
You know you're one version up.
and it's not some fancy security patch applied to your old kernel codes.

You're reborn.

A new creation.

You're version 2.0

Ready to see the world with new eyes, new spirit, and new conviction.

This doesn't happen just once you see, it happens repeatedly, continuously. It's His will that will be perfect in the end. All this is His will.

And when this happens often enough, you start to realize that it's pointless to be arrogant, it's pointless to think that we know everything and everyone else are not good enough.

When this happens often enough, you start to realize that it's pointless to blame anyone. You know the world is not perfect, and it's perfectly ok. You realize that we do what we can in the best way we know how and that's good enough because that's all that we can do.

When this happens often enough, you spend each waking hour anticipating new inputs, new people, new opportunities for growth, and new opportunities to help others grow. We treat each new day as a fresh new chance of life, for us and those around us, a gift from God to cherish and adore.

When this happens often enough, you start to realize the grace of God, the beauty of love and faith, the true meaning of sacrifice, especially His sacrifice on the cross.

When this happens often enough, you get a slight taste of heaven.

And you cannot help but thirst for more.


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