The Fourth Companion

June 07, 2004

Thank You

Yes, thank you. You know who you are.

This Monday started not the way that I had wanted it. I caught a cold (the runny nose, the sore throat, the sneezes and the chills, the entire package). I had to cancel two appointments at work, including a lunch with an old chap that I've been trying to get hold of for about a month. I even learned today that a co-worker at work has been hospitalized.

It gets worse for me because I had to drag my weary self, with the runny nose and all, to a clinic just to get an MC. I was in a terrible shape; I tried smiling but smiles don't really go well with a runny nose.

But something neat happened when I was on my way back from the clinic. A man from FedEx called saying that he has a package for me. I was thrilled. I rushed home rightaway. I don't know what's inside the package; but, I have a feeling that it might be from you.

The FedEx man came to my doorstep about half an hour later, and I cannot help smiling when I read your name on the box. It really is from you. Thank you so much. In a world full of deadlines and projects and meetings and todo lists and sometimes even runny noses, it's nice to know that there's someone who understands, someone who knows, someone who cares.

So thank you very very very much


As I'm blogging, a thought came to mind. Maybe I caught the cold so that I can be at home to receive the gift :] Don't get me wrong. The gift is special. But it's even more special because I received it when I need it the most.

Is God at work here ? perhaps.


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