The Fourth Companion

July 18, 2004

Running Tips :)

From :)

1. Get a good pair of running shoes
>> going to get a pair on Monday. I only have cross-trainers.

2. Walk before you run!
>> Yep. been doing that :)

3. Make sure you run/walk at least 3 times a week
>> roger. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays

4. Don't run two days in a row for the first 2 months, your body needs to adapt!
>> Like I can actually run two days in a row.. ha ha 8)

5. Run for time, your running time should be designed to increase
the time you spend on your feet, not your distance!
>> 0 minutes jogging and 90 minutes walking for now.
>> I'm planning to do a 5:85 next week to see if my body
>> can take it after being 'dormant' for such a long time.
>> If I can do a 5:85 without rest in the 5, then I'll do
>> a 10:80, and so on until i can do a 30:60..

6. Take it slow, don't increase your time too much too fast!
>> But I only have till december!!

7. Enjoy your running!
>> I already am. I need to get some earphones to plug into my iPAQ
>> and I can start listening to mp3s while walking/jogging/running
>> but then again.. the  Nokia 6600 has a RealAudio player built in..
>> now *that* will be cool... ;-)


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