The Fourth Companion

August 16, 2004


There are those that simply do not care - or perhaps they think too highly of you.
There are those that are too stubborn - or perhaps they think nothing of you.
There are those that are too stupid - or perhaps you simply don't get them.

They're all the same.

They annoy you.
They drain you.
They make you want to eat yourself inside-out.

But still, you got to be better.

You got to be smarter. You got to be faster. You got to be stronger.

Nobody said that it's gonna be easy.
Nobody said that it's gonna be a free-ride.
If it is so, then everybody would be you,

doing what you do, getting what you get.

And if that's the case what's the big deal about being born you anyway?

You'd be just like anybody else.

But don't you know that in you lies a special gift ?
that's totally yours and yours alone ?
Your unique contribution to the world ?
Without which the world wouldn't be a better place

So why don't you get up,
stand up, speak up, think up.

and make things happen.

You know where you have to be
You know who you have to be
You know what you have to do.

Now do it.


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