The Fourth Companion

November 13, 2004

The Two Paths

My recent readings gave me a brief look at the two basic paths that people devote themselves to.

The first path is often called the Left-Hand-Path (LHP) (Ref: DPJS Website, Wikipedia). Its followers have the perfection of the invidual psyche as their ultimate goal. They seek psychological and intellectual maturity. They seek the refining themselves such that they possess 'true awareness' and 'true knowledge' of reality. They seek self-empowerment and religiously devote themselves to the improvement of self-consciousness and their ability to wield their will to manipulate reality. In essence, LHP focuses on the development of individuals into gods and masters of their own destinies.

The second path is often called the Right-Hand-Path (RHP). In place of 'true awareness and knowledge of reality', the followers of RHP have Faith. In place of 'true self-consciousness and will-power to manipulate reality', the followers of RHP have Love. Instead of developing themselves into masters of their own destinies, the followers of RHP believes that a greater being (or beings) is in control of reality and does so for the good of all; RHP followers believe in providence.

The LHP followers believe that much of the individuals in this world - either by worshipping false gods that dictate what can or cannot be done, or by some oppresive experiences in their lives - have been conditioned into tame and impotent beings posessing herd mentalities, pale sad versions of their true potentials. They also believe that RHP followers are either blatantly ignorant or foolish, as the restriction of the selves causes imbalance, and unmet desires and needs will only cause damage and eventually lead to destruction.

LHP followers do not believe in Sin, and for this matter have strong resentments towards dogmas and moral codes. Though LHP followers need not see the need of a 'being or deity' as the focus of their worship, they often choose the figure of Satan (or the Devil) as a symbol of worship. The reason for this is twofolds (Ref: Temple of Set): 1) because Satan embodies the noble characteristics that the LHP followers see as virtues, such as independence, creativity, honesty, artistry, and intellectual genius, and 2) to rebel against the popular moral/ethical conditioning of society that made the Satan figure an 'evil scarecrow' that is despicable and to be avoided.

Some have taken the Matthew 25:32-33 into this context,

"All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.",

as goats are known to be creatures of strong invididual will and would not follow, and sheeps are known to be docile creatures.


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