The Fourth Companion

May 27, 2004

Mendokterkan Internet, Menginternetkan Dokter

Pusat Data & Informasi PERSI: "... Rasio jumlah dokter dengan jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang saat ini masih jauh dari kisaran ideal... Jika mau jujur, kebanyakan pasien di Indonesia masih mengeluhkan kekurangan informasi mengenai dunia kesehatan terutama menyangkut penyakit.

... [adalah] media interface antara dokter dengan koleganya, maupun antara masyarakat umum dengan dokter... beranggotakan tak kurang sejumlah 146 dokter ahli serta tenaga medis lainnya, yang tak segan-segan membagi ilmunya melalui dunia maya.

... Internet bisa digunakan untuk riset, juga komunikasi. Yang penting bisa saling komunikasi. Cuma, internet juga ada bahayanya. Bohong-bohongnya juga banyak. Selentingan juga banyak. Harus ada situs yang dapat berguna untuk dokter syaratnya harus bisa dipercaya. Kita mesti bikin sesuatu hal yang jadi referensi jadi bukan berita bohong.

... Sebenarnya itu kendala di Indonesia saat kita memperkenalkan dunia kedokteran kita dengan internet. Itu kendala yang cukup besar. Content yang berbobot (kedokteran) dengan ciri khas Indonesia masih sangat kurang."

Comments: when i read the article, the techie guy in me langsung mikir!!!, portal kesehatan indonesia - sumber utama untuk informasi relevan dan terkini mengenai kesehatan! .. then it came to me that technical issues is only the easier part of the equation to be solved - the major part of the challenge is the people, i.e. the dokter2 and other users of the portal. Banyak kendala mulai dari the culture of not used to communicating via email, not used to surfing and communicating online.

We need something simple that works (hence investmentya ga perlu banyak2, tapi return on investment-nya bisa cepet). The mailing list is one such example. It's simple (it's just a mailing list), barrier-to-use-nya minimal (all ppl need to need to know is email, and how to subscribe - this can be trained easily, and behaviour can be encouraged through experiences that give positive feedback). Tentu kendalanya juga ada, yakni bagaimana cara mengkontrol content yang ada di mailing list-nya. But at this initial stage, this is not that critical.

What my techie mind usually do not instinctively understand is that there is no quick fix to human-related problems - some things have to be developed, grown, nurtured, naturally - gak bisa maksa. So the portal quick-fix won't solve anything, because we need to grow a community of healthcare-aware and healthcare-interested people into a size that is of critical-mass enough to be self-sustainable, only then having a portal makes sense, the community portal is merely a facilitator.

Who was it who said: first make it work, then make it work well, then make it cheap ? The mailing list thingy works. It's not good enough but we need to wait until it grows into something that can be made to work well (probably with the introduction of a portal), then we make it work cheap, so that everyone can have access to it.


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