The Fourth Companion

June 08, 2004

Ora et Labora

That black banner with two hands clasping together in praying position has been on the wall in my dad's study for years. I remember seeing when I was just a little boy no older than 5 years old. I know I saw it last year when I came home.

The black banner has this slogan on it Ora et Labora, which literally means "pray and work", the motto of the Benedictine Order - one of the oldest monastic orders founded by St. Benedict in 529.

My parents probably have not heard of St. Benedict, but Ora et Labora still means a lot to them. In a way, God has a special place in their lives, and it's not surprising if you know them. God has a long history with my mom and dad. It all started when they were young I guess; they were Sunday school teachers, and they've always believed in a partnership between God and them.

The partnership worked out really well. One thing for sure, though they started out with almost nothing when they got married, they've never had problems putting food on the table, or being happy with what they have in their lives. Did I tell you why they gave me my name ? Well, my name has Hebrew origins which has the meaning "God's gracious gift." They were so overjoyed when I was born, but if you look at the name that they gave me, you'll see Who they think was responsible for for all that joy.

One of the greatest moments in this partnership when my dad received a scholarship to USC. It's the opportunity of a lifetime for him, so he went, leaving my mom, my brother, and me. Back then, I was still about 8 years old. My brother was even younger - he was 4. This happened a long time ago, way back in 1987, but I can still remember how hard it is for my mom and dad.

The distance, for one, is difficult to bear. I guess when you've been with someone for so long, you've come used to having that person to talk to, to communicate with, to share with. My mom and dad tried their best. They know that calling IDD every day would be too expensive, and back then we don't have the Internet yet, so they relied on some other mediums: namely letters and tapes.

I still remember those moments when I was so anxious to listen to my dad's voice. My mom would play the tape, and mom, my brother, and I would sit tight and listen to dad's stories. We laughed, we had fun, and it's as though he's sitting right there with us. My dad usually sends his messages in two parts: one would be the one that is for all of us, and the second part is what is for my mom's ears alone. We know when the first part is over because dad would usually tell us "kids, you have to go now, I want to talk to your mom in private.. ". Having listened to dad's voice, my mom usually would use the same tapes to record our voices, and her private message for dad, and would send the tapes along with letters back to him. This went on for quite some time; if i remember correctly, for almost two years. Until a miracle happened.

You see, my mom has been trying to get a scholarship to the US as well, because if she and dad were to study together, they'd be able to bring the entire family there and we wouldn't have to go through the letters and tapes anymore.

And guess what? a miracle did drop by, she got a scholarship to UCLA.

And so, the times of having to only hear dad's voice and read his writings have come to and end. The family finally got together again. Of course life there wasn't easy. For one, they're using funds for two to feed a family of four. Instead of staying in the university dorms, they had to get an apartment. My brother and I had to go to school. But as always, Ora et Labora works. They pray and seek God's guidance, and put in a lot of hard labor to make things work.

There are other stories to tell about my mom and dad, but the one that got the family to the US is my favourite. I guess my time in the US has been a big part of me, just as Ora et Labora is a big part of me. I also have my own stories to tell, how my life has been a series of miracles - one after another. Those of you who have listened to my stories can probably recall some of them.

In short, I've always been and will always be a big believer of God's providence, and myself having to work hard as well to do our part of the partnership. This faith in God's providence is in a way, a 'family heritage' that's always alive and gets stronger by the day. Ora et Labora.

'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD , 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'. ~ Jeremiah 29:11


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