The Fourth Companion

June 26, 2004

Pindahan is so hard to do...

I have too many books :| ... When I have my own place, I'll probably just get a room for my own study room and just stuff all my books there....

So far I have 5 boxes + 1 huge bag of books 2 suitcases of clothes.. 1 notebook, 2 desktop PCs.. a printer, a set of speakers, a toaster, satu patung gajah, 2 patung dolphins, satu patung 3 orang lagi sitting on top of each other (i've always wondered why on earth would anyone do that.. hmmm)..

anyway, my nose started to itch (i'm allergic to dust) so i took a break and did the quiz.

And it turns out that I'm a ... *drum roll* ...


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.


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