The Fourth Companion

May 21, 2004


Sometimes the best course of action is to not take action at all.
Counter-intuitive ?
Yes, especially if you're an action-oriented, goal-oriented person.
I believe in getting things done, and letting things linger unresolved, sweeping dust under the carpet, is an act of cowardice to me.
I believe in keeping comprehensive check-lists, todos, schedules, plans, control mechanisms.
I believe in exerting influence where it matters to get all the pieces moving in the right direction.
I thrive in chaos because I know what needs to be done to put a system, a structure, and create organization from the mayhem.
I do that in chess games, bridge games, basket ball games, presentations, interviews, negotiations, software development, anything and everything.
But sometimes we don't have the luxury of that. Resources are scarce. So to win war you gotta deliberately not win a few battles, especially battles where victories are useful only to your own ego.
And so... that's that. I gotta do what I gotta do.
Even if it is counter-intuitive.


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