Did you know that ...
Japan has the most advanced high-tech toilets worldwide ?
"Most high-tech toilets also provide the option to select the water pressure to adjust to the preferences of the user. Usually, the temperature of the water can also be adjusted. The exact nozzle position can also often be adjusted forward or aft manually. High-end washlets also provide options for a vibrating and pulsating jet of water.
A second commonly found feature is a blow drier, often adjustable between 40°C and 60°C to dry the private regions after cleaning with the integrated bidet. Other features may include a seat heating which may be adjustable from 30°C to 40°C, an automatic opening and closing of the toilet lid based on a proximity sensor, automatic flushing of the toilet, automatic air deodorizer, and a germ resistant surface.
Recently, researchers have added medical sensors into these toilets, which can measure the blood sugar based on the urine, and also measure the pulse, blood pressure, and the body fat content of the user. Other measurements are currently researched. This data may automatically be sent to a doctor through a network."
Now how about one that greets you, reads the news and your e-mails for you?
that's a morbid thought.
i just need it to flush, thank you very much.
sh, at 7:32 AM
for everything else, there's MasterCard =D
JPG, at 7:57 AM
Can select pengisi suara favorit nggak buat baca newsnya? :P
I'm pretty sure they have lotsa goods seiyuu (pengisi suara) in jap hahaha
Shinigami, at 2:15 PM
Harus bisa dong, kan sekarang udah jaman-nya personalized/customized services. Terus users bisa carry his/her own preferences on an RFID chip. So that no matter which toilet he/she goes to, tetap service-nya memuaskan ;)
JPG, at 2:20 PM
Ditambah ada hologram juga....
Jadi bisa melihat audio dan visual :>
Shinigami, at 6:26 PM
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