First Things First
From October 2004 Touchstone Magazine's Editorial, on the US Election:
If we are serious about a just and humane society, we must defend marriage and human life above all, both in public and in private. All other matters are secondary. Not to put life and marriage first and not to let the candidates’ positions on them determine our vote is to become like the people of whom it was written, “They feared the Lord, but served their own gods” (2 Kings 17:33).
No amount of health insurance, of support for religious freedom in other countries, of ways to end the conflict in the Middle East, or of AIDS drugs will protect us from the short- and long-term consequences of supporting candidates who will not protect life and marriage. A society in which vulnerable human life is not protected and in which marriage is made irrelevant is a society that will not long continue to care for the freedom, peace, and health of others.
Powerful words. Very refreshing indeed.
If we are serious about a just and humane society, we must defend marriage and human life above all, both in public and in private. All other matters are secondary. Not to put life and marriage first and not to let the candidates’ positions on them determine our vote is to become like the people of whom it was written, “They feared the Lord, but served their own gods” (2 Kings 17:33).
No amount of health insurance, of support for religious freedom in other countries, of ways to end the conflict in the Middle East, or of AIDS drugs will protect us from the short- and long-term consequences of supporting candidates who will not protect life and marriage. A society in which vulnerable human life is not protected and in which marriage is made irrelevant is a society that will not long continue to care for the freedom, peace, and health of others.
Powerful words. Very refreshing indeed.
wah, layout design nya ganti terus... I like the previous "new" one (maksudnya yg baru sebelon yg ini).
nah kalo defend marriage, gmn org yg memutuskan to stay single? or maksudnya defend marriage itu no divorce?
June S, at 11:55 AM
>> June
I haven't found the *right layout* yet. So I'm testing out several ones that I kinda like, please give me comments and stuff..
By "defending marriage", The Touchstone editors meant to defend the "Christian meaning of marriage" against its perversions (i.e. polygamy, same-sex marriages, etc).
They conclude that 'the sanctity of marriage and life' is fundamental and the most important thing in society.
JPG, at 3:28 PM
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